Serenity: The Firefly Movie

The folks at FOX TV didn’t know quite what to make of Joss Whedon’s innovative “space Western” TV series, [i]Firefly[/i]. They showed episodes out of order, aired teasers that bore little resemblance to the actual show, and cancelled the series in the middle of its first season. Then DVD happened, and a whole new audience […]

“Without a Paddle”

“Without a Paddle” is a very lame comedy about the search for the D.B. Cooper loot. It is not even sophomoric so let’s call it ‘freshmanic’ or ‘sophomoronic’. Good photography, though. A good contender for the list of the ten worst of the year. GRADE = “D” (for dreadful)


Today’s the day the webheads have been waiting for. Spiderman 2 opens at a multiplex near you and its got to be THE box office blockbuster for the summer season. Now I haven’t even seen the latest yet, but I’m starting to think about part 3. Rumor is that Rami, Maguire, and Dunst(sounds like a […]