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“Upside of Anger”

“Upside of Anger” is a dramedy about a woman with four daughters (teens and 20) who finds herself alone and unhappy. With a cleanup on the language, this soap opera could be an average made-for-tv movie. The talented cast muddles through the choppy scenes. NOTE : Not scheduled to open for a while. GRADE = […]


If I were an English teacher, I would teach this book. As the next-best choice, I got it for my daughter for Xmas. When she suggested it at the Science-Fiction Club at school and the (teacher) moderator balked, I called & praised it most highly and GUESS WHAT, the group is reading it! I wish […]


“Millions” is a British fantasy about a boy, his older brother, and their father, adjusting to the death of the mother/wife. They move from an established neighborhood to a new development and lots of money appear. Many humorous scenes in this leisurely-paced film. If you enjoyed “Billy Elliot” , you should enjoy this. GRADE = […]

Whedon on for Wonder Woman

Looks like Joss may be ‘buffing’ up the Amazon Princess. Whedon and Warner Bothers have apparently come to an agreement for the force behind the Vampire Slayer to kick Wonder Woman into high gear. [url=]Whedon Woos Wonder Woman[/url]