To Have and To Hold Chapters 20 – 21

Chapter 20

Danielle’s tutor, Mademoiselle Juliet le Monde, had arrived right on schedule. The only problem was that Danielle had fallen asleep. She hadn’t realized how exhausted she had become.

“Lady Danielle, if you do not mind, we have a few subjects to touch on, so I would appreciate it if you could give me your undivided attention.”

Danielle could hardly move. She lifted one eyelid, then the other.

“Yes Mademoiselle,” she said, trying to stand up.

Danielle had never gone through such torture, especially when it came to what she termed as “royalty lessons.”

Mademoiselle le Monde made her balance books on her head for perfect posture, taught her how to walk and talk and to enunciate those words clearly.

Danielle dropped the books, couldn’t follow all the dainty steps and didn’t want to bother with speaking correctly.

After the first four hours were over, she was never so happy to see the outside world.

Meanwhile, at the castle, Henry, Francois and Laurent were doing the same thing, namely falling asleep.

Not only that, but Hector was having the devil of a time keeping all three of them awake.

He had to think up something quick, so he came up with a learning game, which the boys found interesting.

Finally, Henry thought, perking up a little, an interesting tutor. Someone I can get excited about.

But Henry was still looking forward to leaving and meeting with Danielle at their usual place.

He ran from the castle forgetting the journal that they were supposed to read. He was unaware that Danielle had two unwanted guests with her.

Danielle was so happy that she had almost forgotten about the promise to her father. She decided that she didn’t want to remember and let it go at that. As she ran from the house, she discovered that Monique and Jean Claude were standing outside waiting for her.

Well, she thought, so much for trying to escape.

“Come on, you two, let’s go. I don’t want to be late.”

She tried to talk to, but everything she tried to say fell on deaf ears. No one would respond to her.

All except for Jean Claude who had a funny smile on his handsome face. He kept staring at her as they walked.

Danielle was unprepared for what was about to happen next.

Chapter 21

Henry waited impatiently for Danielle to come. He wasn’t sure of these feelings he had for her. They were new to him. They had met when she was two and he was four. Back then, he felt as if he were a big brother to her, watching over her and playing with her. As they grew, they became fast friends, Henry surprised at how quick Danielle.

He hadn’t noticed when his feeling switched from friendship to something a little more involved.

Now all he wanted was to be with her and he could not stop thinking about her.


He heard her voice and turned around to face the ruined entrance, a large grin covered his face.

The smile faded when he saw she had company.

“These are my cousins, Henry,” Danielle said, introducing them. “You remember Monique and this is…”

Henry’s eyes grew wide. “Monique? Is that you?”

“Yes, Henry, it is. “

Danielle looked at Henry and found that he was staring at her cousin. Alright, she thought, maybe Monique was a year older than she was, but she thought that Henry liked her. She didn’t know how to react.

“You look a little different than you did the last time I saw you.”

“I was only eight three years ago, Henry, the last time you saw me. I will be your age in six months.”

Henry smiled. “Well, maybe we can get to know each other again, that is if Danielle doesn’t mind.”

He looked at her and discovered she was staring right back at him a little confused.

“Well,” he said, “we are all together and we should get to know each other. All of us.” He turned to Jean Claude. “And that includes you whoever you are.”

Before he or Danielle could answer, Monique piped up. “This is my stepbrother, Jean Claude, Henry,” she said, walking toward him. “But he isn’t as intelligent and witty as you.”

Henry blushed and moved closer.
Danielle was watching Monique and Henry rediscover each other. He was talking a mile and minute and she was responding. Well, she had enough of this. She turned on her heel and walked out the ruined door, Henry not even noticing.

Someone else had though. He grinned and followed her out.

Updated: June 9, 2002 — 5:36 am