EA A Father’s Choice Part 14

Swiftness is the new fashion

Part 14

Things settled down for awhile after that day. Danielle and Francis went back to their old way of not speaking, and Henry was able to be there for Danielle. Jacqueline and Charles were constant visitors. Jacqueline was there to discuss wedding plans with Danielle, who was now completely over Charles, and Charles came to see his friend.

Normally, they would all meet together for a bit of entertainment. Sometimes they would play cards, while other times the ladies would grace them with a song. It was on one such occasion two months later that Henry found himself in a bit of an awkward situation.

Jacqueline sang first. Her song was sung with perfect grace, style, and taste. Charles truly admired her as ever note flowed freely from her lips. Anyone who could have looked at Charles’ face as she sang would have known that he was long gone from the real world and into a world all his own.

Danielle sang next. Her song of choice was one that when she was little she admired anyone who could sing it. Now, with that same perfect grace, style, and taste Jacqueline had she sang it, but there was something else there. As she sang, she showed raw emotion. Henry could not help but to admire her.

He thought that he was capable of doing so without letting the world know, but he was mistaken. After the song was finished and the ladies started to chatter, Charles turned to him, and said in a low voice, “If I did not know better, I would think you were an admirer of your own sister.” Charles gave a heart filled laugh, which Henry tried to copy. “But seriously, the way you looked her while she sang made me think of something. Has there been a lass who I do not know about who has sang that song to you and you were reminded of her just now? For if I did not know any better, I would say that you are in love.”

Henry felt a blush rise in his cheeks. “I shall neither confirm nor deny that claim.”

Charles face was full of spirit. “Why have you not spoken of her? And why have I not heard of her from even a gossiping courtier? Surely you would not with hold the information from me now that I have found out.”

“Sorry Charles, but I can not tell you more then I told Danielle. If I did, it would probably be the end of me.”

Danielle’s ears perked up at the sound of her name. “What is it that you two are talking about that involves me?”

Henry smiled, “I was merely telling him that it was hopeless for him to try to get information about my lass. For I will not budge, and you know that.”

“Yes all he will tell me is that she if a French noble who has beautiful hair, and is well learned.” Danielle paused for a moment. There was something else he told her, but she could not for the life of her remember what it was. “There was something else, but he told me all of this so long ago that I do not remember it anymore.”

Charles looks at Henry, “How long have you had this infatuation? I can not believe that you would hide it from such a good friend as I for so long. I demand to know does anyone on this Earth know who the girl is?”

Henry thought for a moment, and then nodded. “One persons know, but I did not tell them. They just figured it out on their own. They have never said a word to it about me, but I am positive that they know.”


And so another two months flew by without anyone getting any closer to knowing Henry’s secret. The time had now came for the marriage of Jacqueline and Charles. Both had disliked the long delay, but they had to wait for Auguste to get back from one of his trips. On his return, he brought with him many unique gifts for the bride and groom. Including some books, which Danielle was already determined to borrow from them.

The wedding was to take place Manor. Danielle had volunteered to let them have their pick of the flowers from the Royal garden, and she had the palace cooking staff supply all the food for the reception. The wedding was beautiful and only conceited of a few good friends and of course family. Two member of the family of the bride everyone would have been happy to do with out, but that task would be impossible. Henry had often joked with Charles about his new mother and sister.

After the wedding, everyone gather out on in the garden to wish the bride and groom well before they left for their honeymoon. Danielle and Henry had to go their separate ways once the couple had left for their honeymoon in Italy. Danielle talked with her friends from court while the females of court chased Henry around. One of them was Marguerite.

Marguerite felt as if she had more rights to claim Henry then anyone else. For starters, her sister was the one to get married today. Although, she never thought that she would need a reason to see Henry. She simply thought that he would need to see her because if he didn’t his heart would most definitely be broken.

Through out the evening, Marguerite was always at his side. Henry did not enjoy it too much. To be quiet honest, he did not enjoy it at all, but what could he do. To make maters worse, Danielle never got with in ten feet of Marguerite unless it was absolutely unavoidable.

Marguerite put her best flirting powers to use because she did not know when she would next be able to be with the Prince for an entire day. Every word that came out of her mouth he found to be most unagreeable, and he saw little hope of relief.

To him it was a miracle, to see Auguste come to his rescue. He knew little of the man, but what he did he believe to be entirely good. Henry knew that Danielle would have loved to have this man as her father. Auguste tapped Marguerite on the shoulder, “I believe Marguerite that you are wanted in the house.” He could see in her eyes that she was going to rebel. “I recommend that you travel with haste.” She gave him one long evil glare before heading into the house.

Henry smiled at him. “Thank you. You have no idea how insufferable that was. I thought that she would never close her mouth. I tried to delicately drop hints, but she took none of them.”

Auguste gave Henry a pat on the back, “Your Highness, I am afraid that I know just how insufferable she can be. She gets it from her mother.” Here he paused a moment before he continued. “I was most happy to have Jacqueline happily married, but I have to admit I am going to miss having her around. I do not know how I shall ever survive with these two always breathing down my neck. Perhaps I shall just stay out of town more since I won’t have Jackie here to bribe me into staying.”

“No need to go out of town. You have saved me from her, so I would like to return the favor. At your leisure come to the palace. I understand that you are well read. I am positive that my sister shall absolutely delight in you. Ah, and here she is now.” Danielle had just been coming over to greet another friend. “Danielle I believe that you would enjoy Auguste presence at the palace? For otherwise he is stuck with the Baroness and Marguerite.”

Danielle smiled. “Oh do come to see us there. I wish those two people on no one.”

Auguste thankfully excepted the invitation that meant more to him then either of them would ever know. He would finally after so many years of watching her grow up from afar be able to get to know his daughter.

[ Edited by Kristen on 2002/6/8 23:12:30 ]

Updated: June 9, 2002 — 5:30 am