To Have and To Hold Chapter 49

Chapter 49

“Sit down everyone, I have a tale to tell all of you.�

Auguste was about to start when he heard the door open. He looked up and smiled as his brother walked through the door.

“Antoine, where is Colette? I was sure that she would be anxious to hear what I have to say.�

“I am here,� a voice called from the back. “And I too have some explaining to do, but Auguste will go first. I do want to know what this is all about.�

Auguste looked from Colette to Antoine then back again. There was no clue as to what happened, none that he could see anyway.

He looked at Henry, then at Danielle. He looked up and at everyone else.

“Our tale begins the day that Nicole and I first met. Yes, I knew Colette, but we were never betrothed as much as she would like to think so.� He looked up at her and found she was looking right back at him.

Auguste ignored her and continued. “It is true that Nicole and Colette were best friends, were always best friends. They were like sisters. They were so close to each other.�

“Nicole was different than any other woman that I had ever met. She was a free spirit, she was kind and loving, independent and confident.� He looked at Danielle and cupped her chin in his hand. “You are so much like her, Danielle, in looks as well as everything else.�

He put his arm around her and pulled her toward him.

“I love you, Papa,� Danielle whispered.

“And I love you, Danielle.� Auguste said. He gave her one more tiny squeeze before releasing her.

“I had loved her from the very beginning, since we were children together. Colette could never see it. She thought that I loved her and no one else.�

He looked at Colette and waited for a reaction. When he hadn’t gotten one, he continued.

“Nicole and I had always known that we would marry. And so, when the time was right, we did. We rode off to the monastery and were married by Father Thomas. We didn’t want to upset anyone, Colette, especially you.

Updated: July 4, 2002 — 6:39 pm