Cheap Movie Theater Tactic! Has this happened to you?

Ok, I went and checked out MIB and Mr. Deeds today in the movie theater, with the “regular” folk, and I was absolutely appalled by what happened.

Imagine this scenario –

The house lights dim, you are relaxed and ready for your trailers, and hoping that there aren’t too many annoying commercials before they run the trailers.

Well the first commercial was for a children’s cancer fund called the Jimmy Fund, I’m like ok.

After the commercial runs, the house lights come back on, and the usher makes an announcement, saying “please give to the jimmy fund” and “help fight children’s cancer” they then start walking up and down the aisles collecting money with a collection cup!!!!!!

I felt so “violated”, and like I had no choice but to give something. If they put the cup outside the theater like they usually do, that wouldn’t of bothered me, and I usually donate something when I leave the theater anyway. But to actually make a speach and then start walking up and down the aisles with a collection cup, I thought went beyond the pale.

Updated: July 4, 2002 — 5:46 pm