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cold creek manor

COld Creek Manor had some plot holes, but was still a better than average film for the genre. Mike Figgis (director) brought a nice sensibility to the project, and i love the snapshot effect (if you see it you’ll know what I mean). i know that movie sat in a can for a while (at […]

Fun Fact!

The name fairy ring comes from an old folk-tale. People once believed that mushrooms growing in a circle followed the path made by fairies dancing in a ring. Fairy rings are found in open grassy places and in forests. In grass, the best known fairy ring fungus has the scientific name Marasmius oreades. The body […]

“Capturing the Friedmans”

“Capturing the Friedmans” really does not capture the family, rather it captures the viewer. This is not a summer adventure film; it is a skillfully presented real life story of a family torn apart by a married homosexual pedophile. It presents a horrible set of situations but gives no real complete answers. There are many […]

The OC

Has anyone checked out the new show on Fox? Yes, I know that typically Fox has a lot of crappy shows, but this one is actually worth watching, or it is in my opinion. It isn’t going to be on for a few weeks because of baseball, but it is typically on tuesdays at 9/8. […]