Mona Lisa Smile

I took my mom to see this and the only men in the theatre were two who looked they would have rather died then be there. The movie was descent, but if you have a drop of feminism in you, you are going to want to kill the Dunst, Stilles, and the rest of the […]

“Chasing Liberty”

“Chasing Liberty” is a romantic comedy aimed for teenagers. Story concerns the daughter (Mandy Moore; codename = Liberty) of the US President who is visitng Europe in a semi-official capacity with her parents and falls for a dashing foreigner. She eludes her assigned Secret Service guards and travels throughout Europe. Mostly predictable but still enjoyable. […]

“Cooking with Elvis” PLAY

“Cooking with Elvis” is a sex farce from the author of “Billy Elliot” (but is far different). Plot covers what happens to a family of three (and a turtle) when a young man comes into their lives and gets sexually involved with all (except the turtle). The father, now a brain-damaged quadraplegic, was an Elvis […]

“The York Realist” PLAY

“The York Realist” is a British play by Peter Gill being presented at the Studio Theater (DC). Set in rural England in the 1960’s, the entire two-act performance takes place in a farm living room. The central character is a gay man who runs a farm and takes care of his ailing mother. Into his […]