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I was just wondering why the stories aren’t posted, so that the stories can be read without having to search for the individual chapters. In other words, the prologue should come first, then to go on to chapter 1, all the reader should have to do is click on the button marked “next post”. Just […]

“The Clearing”

“The Clearing” is an artsy-fartsy soap opera and time/talent waster. Newsflash : there is no clearing in the film! You keep waiting for something to happen but it does not. The jumping back and forth is out of synch; the ninety minute movie seems like three hours. Recommend that you avoid this turkey. GRADE = […]

ST:VOY-Season 3

The recently released Voyager Season 3 seems to be on par with the other two releases thus far. There is the good(many decent episodes), the bad(some really oddball featurettes), and the ugly(the packaging). My favorite episodes include the great Sulu encounter Flashback, the TNG-spun False Profits, and the fantastic Mr. Delancie in the Q and […]