“Without a Paddle”

“Without a Paddle” is a very lame comedy about the search for the D.B. Cooper loot. It is not even sophomoric so let’s call it ‘freshmanic’ or ‘sophomoronic’. Good photography, though. A good contender for the list of the ten worst of the year. GRADE = “D” (for dreadful)


Today’s the day the webheads have been waiting for. Spiderman 2 opens at a multiplex near you and its got to be THE box office blockbuster for the summer season. Now I haven’t even seen the latest yet, but I’m starting to think about part 3. Rumor is that Rami, Maguire, and Dunst(sounds like a […]

5 days…

Did anyone see the entire series “5 Days to Midnight”? I saw all but the last episode. I’ve been searching the programming guide each week to see if the show will be replayed again but I have not see it listed thus far. I’d like to know what happened in the end but I’d rather […]

The 4400

I enjoyed episode 1 of “The 4400” that aired Sunday. There are some simialrities to other shows, but I think this series will end up quite different. Being a huge sci-fi fan I was quite intrigured by the story line and I am looking forward to seeing the upcoming shows in this short series. I […]


Anchorman is the latest in a string of tongue and cheek silly movies that have hit our theaters of late. It’s full of cliché’s and 70’s humor. For those who liked Old School, you’ll probably like this one. I went in not expecting much but although there are many plain silly scenes, there are several […]