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Joss Whedon Honored with Library Donation Joss Whedon Honored With Library Donation Wed Feb 9, 7:00 AM ET The Whedonverse Multimedia Project honors its namesake, Joss Whedon, with a donation to his hometown library. (PRWEB) February 9, 2005 – Last year the WB Network gave fans of Joss Whedon”s “Angel” a unique Valentines Day present: it cancelled the show. Knowing […]

How about an anime forum?

For one thing, I’d like to know if I’m the oldest anime fan on earth or WHAT. (Age 46, 3 kids [18,15,11], watch cartoons every day.) One of the “other moms” said to me in an offhand manner, “Oh, yes, you’re the Cartoon Mom” and I have wondered ever since – “Aren’t we all?” Being […]

“Inside Deep Throat”

Had not seen the porn film so was somewhat curious about what this “documentary” would be about. It is rated NC-17 because some of the original film is included. Now I know what all the buzz was about! This is a hodge-podge of mostly snippets and most likely not worth your time or money. GRADE […]

Batman Begins

Christian Bale, Michael Caine, and Liam Neeson are coming to a big screen near you. This summer’s Batman Begins is slated to hit theaters on June 17. And if you love the movie, you can hit the store on the way home and pick up the EA videogame for the Dark Knight’s latest adventure. It […]