“Batman Begins”

“Batman Begins” goes back to its 65-year-old comic book roots to present a long, dark, humorous but never campy summer adventure film. The cast, with one exception, does a fine job. The special effects and stunts are terrific. Because of the violent, murderous, and scary scenes, not recommended for impressionable children. GRADE = “B+”

“Land of the Dead”

“Land of the Dead” is a tiresome horror film which appears to have been written by a zombie. Better titles would be ‘Land of the Cliches’ and ‘Zombies Get Smart’. Unless you’ve never seen a zombie movie or love seeing a movie that is repetitious and you’ve seen many times before, your best bet is […]

“Saving Face”

“Saving Face” is a romantic comedy but the primary romance is between two Chinese women. The central character is a young female surgeon whose long-widowed mother is pregnant and refuses to identify the father. The surgeon is a closeted gay who falls in love with a dancer. There are all sorts of ‘characters’ in this […]