EA A Father’s Choice Part 21

I did not have time to proof-read this, so forgive me. I am about this much awake…

Part 21

It had taken awhile, but the palace had finally gotten use to not having its princess. She was still missed by most of the servants because she would occasionally let them have the day off and she would do their duties. Henry missed her terribly, but he was no longer thinking about her ever second. He knew that she needed sometime to figure out who she was, but he never thought that it would take here this long to figure things out.

Seven months had past. The winds had changed bring warm air from the Mediterranean, but none of those winds brought Danielle back. She still wrote to him when she had the chance, and he would always respond. One day, he read one of the first letters and then read the most recent one. By comparing the two, he could tell that Danielle was not a completely different person than she was before. She had the same spirit, but she was more down to earth.

There was a knock on his door. He yelled that they could come in, and Charles and the very pregnant Jacqueline greeted him. “How much longer do you have Jacqueline?”

“The doctor says anywhere from a month to two month. I must say that I would really like to seat my feat again. I think I might of almost forgotten what they look like,” said Jacqueline with a smile.

Henry changed the tone of seriousness as he asked, “Have you told Danielle yet? She will never forgive you if you do not at least tell her.”

Jacqueline let out a sigh, “No I haven’t, but I do not think I have the heart to. I would hate to interrupt her new life. I am sure that she has very little free time on her hands. Besides, I doubt that she would come anyway.”

Charles wrapped his arm around his wife. “Jackie, I think Henry is looking for an excuse to get Danielle back at the palace. I am sure we all miss her, and it would be nice to see her. But, Jackie and I have decided that it is best to let her live her life. She will come back eventually, and then she can hold our precious creation.”

Henry had been jealous of the couple for far longer than he would care to admit. They had always been so happy and they were truly a match mad in heaven. They had always managed to bring out the others best qualities.

Soon, they had escorted Jacqueline to go sit in the library with the Queen. Marie was giving Jacqueline tips on how to care for the child, and how to make it through the last month of her pregnancy.

Charles and Henry started by talking about Royal business. They discussed how the University was well on its way. A majority of the buildings had already been constructed. Charles had always been fond of this idea even if it meant that he would have to pay a few extra franks when he paid his taxes. “Henry, I have an idea. You know how you are naming many of the buildings after people who have contributed something to the creation of the University, do you not think that it would be prefect to name the library after Danielle?”

Henry smiled, “I was planning on doing that, but I could not just name it Danielle. She no longer has the title of princess. To make matters worse, she really does not have a last name. No one knows who her father truly is. Sure plenty of people have claimed to be her parents, but none of them can be trusted.”

“Who knows, by the time the University is done she may be married. Then you could use her new last name.”

“Yes, but who is she going to marry that Antoine. I seriously hope that she does not marry him.”

Charles shook his head. “Henry you know very well that he would be an excellent match for her. He will one day be a count, and she will be well taking care of. From what I hear of his father, he is a very generous man. Or is it that you are still holding out hope that she will fall madly in love with you? She has not yet, so what makes you think that she ever will? You need to move on. I can not stand to see you dwell on a girl who you have not seen for seven month. Everyone deserves some happiness, even you.”

“I do not dwell on Danielle. It is just that there is simply no one else who I think I could spend the rest of my life with. Is that such a crime?”

“What about Marguerite? She has changed a lot since her mother was sent to America a few months ago?”

Henry laughs. “Charles did you even listen to what you just suggested? You want me to marry the girl who up until a few months ago stalked me. Even worse then that, her mother was paying people to tell them about me! You truly expect a girl like that to change her ways? Even if she did change her ways I could never trust her.”

Charles says innocently, “It was only a suggestion, and it is not like you have anyone better. If you want to get your father off your back, then you should get married. I am telling you he will allow you so much more freedom because he sees that you are taking more responsibility.”

“Yes, but with the responsibility that you want me take I will lose much more freedom then I will gain. Especially if I just marry some girl for the sake of getting married.”

They had now made it out to the courtyard where Auguste greeted them. Henry started to apologize, “I am sorry that we are late, but Charles was enjoying lecturing me on how I need to take a bride.”

Auguste smiled, “Well, you do need to take a bride. In fact, my son-in-law and I have talked about this subject in depth. While I do not hold the believe that Marguerite would make you a good bride, I do think that you should start looking.”

Henry threw his arms up in the air, and said, “Great! Everyone is plotting against me. You would think that at least someone would be on my side. Marriage is not something that should be taken lightly. It needs to be entered into with love and compassion.”

Charles had an answer for this one. “Having love and compassion for the person you are marrying helps, but it is really not necessary. In time, you will grow respect for that person. The respect will grow into admiration, and the admiration into love.”

Henry shook his head. “On this point, you are wrong. Auguste over here can prove my point. He married the Baroness, but never fell in love with her. That is one thing that I can honestly state.”

Charles quickly responded, “I do not believe that anyone could love her. She was just too heartless. Anyway, I better be getting back to Jacqueline. I am sure that she will need me for something. I feel so bad that she has to go through all of this discomfort while I feel find.” With that, Charles rushed off to his wife.

There was a brief moment of silence between the men until Auguste broke it. “All things put aside, you do want to get married Henry?”

“Of course I want to get married, but I want it to be to someone special. Someone that I can spend the rest of my life with without having to worry if she just likes me because I am a Prince. It truly makes me envy Danielle’s new freedom. Whoever she marries he will love her for who she is not for what she is.”

“During my first marriage, I was the happiest that I have ever been. Nicole and I were so in love. Everything was perfect.”

“What ever happened to your wife?” inquired Henry, “I know you have told me died, but you never told me how.”

Auguste drew in a sharp breath. “You know you are the first person to ever ask me that question.” Auguste paused, “She died in child labor. I can still remember how excited she was that she was going to be a mother, and what an excellent mother she would have been given the chance.”

“What happened to the child? Did it die?”

Auguste drew in another sharp breath. “She…she became your sister.”

Updated: June 12, 2002 — 11:13 pm