EA A Father’s Choice Part 19

The first part of this scene is one that has been overdone in many EA fanfiction, nevertheless I felt the need to include it…

Part 19

After the ball, Danielle’s life in the town really did change. No longer was she looked over by everyone she met, but she was actually looked on as someone who they could respect. Her business increased drastically. She had already sold all the dresses that were already put together, and she had orders offers for at least ten more. Three of those orders were from Anne.

Anne was indeed the thing that had changed her life, and now they had become friends. Both of them had a lot more in common then they had originally thought. For example, both of them enjoyed good literature, and both of them enjoyed proving to the world how they were just as good as any male.

Anne was always trying to prove to her brother that she was just as good as he was. Unfortunately, she was not having very much luck. She had tried to out wit him, she had tried to beat him at sword fighting, but none of it worked. Eventually, she decided it would work best if she called in outside help. On one of Danielle’s few days off, Anne invited her to have dinner with her and to spend the day with each other. Danielle was extremely excited about not having to dine alone.

About midmorning, a carriage was sent to Danielle’s meager shop/home. She must admit it was nice to actually be pampered a little bit. When she got to the estate, Anne and Antoine were there to greet her. Antoine handed here out with a smile. “I understand you are quite a sword fighter, or at least that is what my sister says. I believe that one of the main reasons she brought you here was to try to once again prove that women are equal to men”

Danielle let go of his hand, “They are not only equal to men, they are better than men.”

Antoine shook his head. “I can see why you and my sister seem to get along so well. Perhaps, though, you would like to try to prove what my sister has been unable to do so far?”

“I have beaten my brother numbers of time. Compared to him you will be no challenge.”

Anne looked at her funny, “You never told me that you have a brother.”

Danielle could have killed herself for making such a slip of the tongue. Fortunately, her royal training aloud her to keep her composer in such situations. “He is not exactly my brother. He is just a really good friend who has been there for me most of my life.”

Anne questioned, “Where is he now then? You could have used a supportive friend the last few months. That is for sure.”

Antoine states, “You know that this little girl chat is not helping your case about how you are equal to men. Because men would not waste their time talking about pointless things such as this.”

Anne hit his arm playfully. “Now you are asking for it Antoine. Come on Danielle lets take care of him.”

The three of them head towards on of the open areas in a garden that is concealed from the rest of the world. Danielle had a sword in her hand, as did Antoine. Anne stood back as the two of them started to fight. Antoine commented, “I shall be on easy on you. I would hate for you to get too embarrassed.”

Danielle laughed slightly, “Funny, I was about to say the same thing.”

For at least ten minutes, the only sound that could be heard was the clanking of swords. Anne smiled as she sat watching them. Both of them were getting a little tired, and she was simply sitting back watching the show. She was actually surprised by Danielle’s talent. Typically, her brother would beat her within a minute, and then he was not really even trying. But with Danielle, you could tell that he was using his best moves, and yet she was still fighting.

All of a sudden, Danielle had the shot she was looking for. With one smooth movement, she was able to send his sword flying in the air and into her hand. A smile graced Danielle’s face as Anne stood up clapping. “I believe sir that this is your sword.”

Antoine was all out of breath. He had his hands on his knees and was gasping for air. Between breaths he said, “How…were…you…able…to do…that?”

“Practice sir. Lots of practice.” Danielle patted his back. “You will never underestimate the strength of a women again now will you?”

Anne grabbed Danielle’s arm. Then she spoke, “Come Danielle, let us let my brother recover. We can have go have a little chat. Perhaps now men will now follow in our habits since you have proved us to be the superior race.” Before Antoine could argue back, they had already left.

Anne guides Danielle through a series of elaborate hallways. None of them were on the same level as the palace, but they were pretty close. She then leads Danielle into a small sitting room that is done mainly in blues. “This is were I hide from the world. Take a seat. Here we shall not be disturbed.”

Anne took a seat across from Danielle. “Now then, I would like to know more about this ‘brother’ of yours. Is he handsome?”

Danielle thought about it for a moment. She had always assumed that Henry was handsome because that was what everyone else said about him, but was that what she thought about him? She let her mind wonder back to his wavy brown hair and eyes that looked into your soul. “I believe he is very attractive. A regular prince charming,” Danielle said with a little bit of a smirk on her face.

“I assume that he was nice, but was he well learned? I mean was he the one that taught you everything that you now know. Such as sword fighting and literature,” inquired Anne.

“He taught me everything that I now know. Or at least he taught me everything that I value. I hardly think knowing how to sew and cook is an accomplishment that I should be proud of. Almost every girl learns those, but he taught me things that I would have otherwise never known. I must admit I miss him a lot more than I ever thought I would.” Danielle let out a slight sigh.

Anne stared at her for a moment. She was unsure whether or not she should ask this question. She really wanted to know the answer, but she thought that Danielle would appreciate the question not being asked. Anne, however, was like Danielle and did not know when she should keep her mouth shut. “He was of a higher social class then you wasn’t he? He was probably noble and his parents disproved of you, so you were unable to marry him. Right?”

Danielle stared at her, “You think that I am in love with him? I think that you have got the wrong idea. Sure he is of higher social class then me, but I doubt his parents would disapprove of me. In fact, his parents loved me.”

“Then why did you leave?”

“I left because I had something to prove. My whole life I had been living off of his family, and I wanted to prove to them that I could make it on my own. So I sold everything I had and came here to start a life for myself.”

“Do not get me wrong Danielle, I love having you here, but haven’t you proven to the world that you can live on your own by now? I mean you have a successful business and friends in high places. Why have you not returned to them or at least let them come and see that you are capable of living on your own?”

“To be honest with you, I don’t know. I really don’t know.”

Updated: June 12, 2002 — 12:26 am