XXX: State of The Union is A Generic Action Flick!!

I always thought that XXX had the potential to be a fantastic film, or if not fantastic, at least a good mindless action popcorn flick if not for one major factor – Vin Diesel. Well XXX2 proves that my original theory was wrong. While “”XXX: State of The Union”” is better than its predecessor, but it still lacks something. It’s too clean, sanitized and artificial looking, a film like this needs to get down, dirty and grimy.

At no point during this flick do you not know that you are watching an assembly line, by the numbers Hollywood production. Now this isn’t all bad, if you are willing to shut your brain off – which I’ve been saying an awful LOT this year, you’ll get some enjoyment from this. This time out of the box, we find out that the last XXX (Vin Diesel) died while on a mission. His death was handled off screen, but how cool would have been if they actually started the film off with his death? Instead the film starts with a beautiful shot of a country horse farm, that I’m assuming is supposed to be in Virginia, it turns out that the farm is actually the secret headquarters of the XXX organization, which gets invaded by a bunch of mercenaries in a fabulous 10-minute opening sequence. It seems the mercenaries are after the XXX Organization’s leader Agent Augustus Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson reprising his role from the original). After escaping the assassination attempt, he and his assistant Agent Meadows (Ramon De Ocampo) have to go “”off the grid”” to get them some help. This time out Gibbons doesn’t want another skateboarder he wants someone hard core so he springs his former navy buddy Darius Stone (Ice Cube) who is in Jail serving a 20 year sentence for disobeying and order and attacking his former commander General George Deckert (Willem Dafoe) who is now the Secretary of Defense. After the attack on the XXX Organization, the President of the United States, decides to get tough by spouting such inane platitudes like, “”From this point on, we’re going to get tough. We have to make our enemy’s LOVE us!”” Deckert’s reaction to it is so hysterical, DaFoe looks like he’s channeling Harry Osborne, and is ready to lob a couple of pumpkin bombs at the poor sap. After all the players are in place the plot revolves around Deckert’s plans for to take over the country, and Stone’s efforts to stop him. There really isn’t much more to it than that. The film’s action set pieces are all competently directed, and blessedly, director Lee Tamahori (who last did “”Die Another Day””) keeps his camera set ups simple. We get no shaky cams, or quick cuts, sweeping moves, etc. it’s basic by the numbers long shots. The film supposedly took place in the DC Area, but nothing looked like DC, and many of the locations were so generic it was hard to tell where they were supposed to be. A film like this, it’s not worth talking about the acting, it was mostly serviceable. It’s hard to take Cube as bad ass seriously, after watching him in stuff like “”Are We There Yet.”” He’s ok but he doesn’t “”pop”” off the screen. He sought to remake his image, and the success of his campaign is now hurting him.””XXX: State of The Union”” will be a good film to watch on Cable TV or DVD, but not one that you have to run out and see. It’s a fine film for fans of mindless action flicks, but it plays it safe and doesn’t strive to push the envelope.Final Grade CEM Review by Michelle AlexandriaOriginally Posted 04/29/05

Updated: April 29, 2005 — 8:50 am