To Have and To Hold – Chapter 13

Chapter 13

“I can’t believe that this is my mother’s journal,” Danielle said, looking up at Henry with a smile.

“I feel as if I am prying,” Henry said, “all that stuff about Colette and your father.”

“That she and my mother were rivals for his hand?”

Henry nodded. “So she went after your uncle instead.”

“I wonder if that’s all there is to the story, Henry. I wonder if there is more.”

“Well there is, but it’s growing dark and we should be getting back.”

He closed the journal.

“What else did you find?” Danielle asked.

Henry smiled. “You’ll see that tomorrow. You and your father have been invited to join us for our afternoon meal. My parents would love to meet your aunt.”

“He didn’t tell me,” Danielle said, surprised. He usually tells me everything.”

Henry stood up from the ruined window. He placed the journal in the exact place where he sat. He helped Danielle down from the window ledge.

“You never did tell me. What happened this afternoon when you got home?”

Danielle smiled. She grabbed for the journal, but Henry got there first.

“I don’t think you should bring it home just yet,” he said.

Danielle looked at him. “Perhaps you are right, Henry. We’ll finish it tomorrow night.”

Henry shook his head. “Not at the castle, though. We have to keep it hidden for a little while.”

He heard the bells chime eight times. “Come, I’ll walk you home. We’ll talk on the way.”

Updated: June 2, 2002 — 10:49 am