They’re All Jackasses…

Can someone explain to me how a movie like this makes 10 million dollar on the first day alone? I mean this movie might hit 30 million by weekends end… That’s just sick… I mean is that what it has come to here… Movies like this make it but the upper echelon movies suffer. I mean with movies like [b]Bowling for Columbine[/b] and [b]Punch-Drunk Love[/b] out there and even maybe not upper echelon movies but fun movies like [b]The Ring[/b] and [b]Red Dragon[/b], but people decide to go see Jackass… What’s wrong with this picture here people. Does a movie now have to pander to the lowest common denominator to get seen? If people don’t go see good movies they and go see this type of garbage that’s what Hollywood will produce more garbage and I for one am sick of this… I know there will always be those directors out there making the good movies but what is wrong with everyone going to see junk instead. I’m just at a loss for works right now…

What does everyone else think?

Updated: November 14, 2002 — 12:58 pm