The Angry Birds Movie is an animated tale of flightless fowl who find themselves prey to a bunch of green sea-faring pigs seeks to steal their eggs. Based upon the immensely popular mobile game, which has been downloaded over 2 billion times, the story focuses primarily on three heroes-by-accident: Red (Jason Sudeikis), a once-bullied bird known […]
Tag: The Angry Birds Movie
The Angry Birds Movie Lifts Off!
Due to pressing circumstances, I was unable to attend the advance screening for The Angry Birds Movie and thus missed seeing it in 3D. After hearing a lot of negative things, I was completely unprepared for watching the 2D DVD release and enjoying it. And yet, I did.
Unfortunate Trailer: The Angry Birds Movie!
There’s a new trailer for The Angry Birds Movie just beyond the jump. Try to contain your enthusiasm. The Angry Birds Movie – in theaters May 20th.