Reign of Fire – Quick Take

I caught Reign of Fire last night. It’s a terrible movie on so many levels with a ton of huge gaping plot holes, but for some goofy reason I still liked it. The special effects were decent, lots of good dragon action, stupid human tricks, etc. It had a real kitschy feel to it.

It’s going to get trashed by all your favorite critics on Friday (if my post movie conversations with some folks was any indication) and even the “regular” folk on the elevators were griping. When I said I kinda dug it, the folks I was talking to, gave me the “look” (y’know, the “is you crazy” look).

If you can shut your brain off, you could like it. I’m leaning towards a C+.

Oh, and once again apparently no black people or ANY minorities survived the “apocalypse”. Seems we’re always the first to go in these sci-fi films.

[ Edited by malexandria on 2002/7/10 5:33:41 ]

Updated: October 9, 2002 — 12:42 pm