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Gregory Peck Dies

I got this on the news this morning. I can remember To Kill A Mockingbird as one of the first movies I ever saw that made an impact on me…. …. and in the words of Queen… another one bites the dust…. Gregory Peck dies June 13 2003 Gregory Peck, the lanky, handsome movie star […]

“The Italian Job”

“The Italian Job” is a remake of a 1969 Michael Caine film (–have NOT seen). The plot is a gold heist in Italy; double-cross; revenge heist in Hollywood. The actors do a good job and it holds attention throughout. [ Scheduled to open in late May. ] GRADE = “B+”

Harry Potter Spolier(semi)

Here is a website were I found a little bit more about the up and coming book. If you are worried about the book being spoilt, don’t. They do not really give away very much infromation except for one meanial fact. i would have copied it here but ther is copy right on the site, […]

Kevin Costner Marrying His Girlfriend

Kevin Costner Marrying His Girlfriend Jun 26, 12:27 PM EST “Dances With Wolves” actor Kevin Costner is marrying his girlfriend of four years, Christine Baumgartner. Costner, 48, and Baumgartner, 29, announced their engagement Thursday. No wedding date was set, publicist Paul Bloch said. It’s the second marriage for the actor, the first for Baumgartner. The […]

“Whale Rider”

“Whale Rider” is an entertaining (though slow moving) New Zealand film about a young girl who overcomes many obstacles to reach her destiny. A fine cast, unusual story, and beautiful photography make for an exceptional movie-going experience. GRADE = “A”

Ready for a New Bond?

[b][size=small][color=CC0000][font=Verdana]RYS MEYERS FOR BOND?[/font][/color][/size][/b] Irish heart-throb Jonathan Rhys Meyers is set to become the next James Bond – taking over the role from fellow countryman Pierce Brosnan. The 25-year-old “Bend It Like Beckham” star screen-tested for the part of the world’s favorite secret agent in London last week. Brosnan is signed to star in one […]