New JKR Interview Tidbits on Book 5 – SPOILERS!!!

This really isn’t new, but JKR spoke to the BBC at the Harry Potter Premiere and here’s what she said, SPOILERS, and the headline to the BBC isn’t true because she talked about it a few years ago. SPOILER ALERT…..

Harry Potter author J K Rowling has revealed for the first time that there’s a major death in the next Potter adventure.

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She also said that the almost finished fifth book is much darker in tone than the previous stories.

38 chapters long!

Speaking to Lizo at the world premiere of The Chamber of Secrets she described what was in store in The Order of the Phoenix.

“It is dark,” she said. “There’s a bad death in it that I haven’t enjoyed writing.”

Potter star Emma Watson
J K also said that the book now looked like being even longer than Goblet of Fire.

She said: “At the moment it’s 38 chapters.”

That’s a chapter longer than the last book!

She’s now putting the finishing touches to the manuscript which she says is just “weeks away” from being delivered to her publishers.

“I’m really pleased with it,” she said. ‘[I’m] just going to tweak it a tiny bit more, then the publishers will have it.”

The book should be ready in the shops about five months after that.

Updated: November 6, 2002 — 12:49 pm