More Odd Articles

The newest short articles in the ‘odd spot’ section of my newspaper. I thought some of them you might find interesting…

More Odd Articles

Seventy Mexico City police officers will be fighting crime in sombreros and traditional mariachi suits from November 1, in a bid to attract more tourists.

The First Viennese Vegetable Orchestra, which consists of eight musicians, one sound technician and a cook, goes on its debut European tour next week. The orchestra’s vegetable-based instruments include a carrot flute and a cucumberophone.

Japanese engineers have developed a high- tech doghouse that dampens barking and howling sounds and can be equipped with a camera to allow dog owners to watch their beloved pets on their mobile phones while away.

The name of a traditional pudding is to be changed back to Spotted Dick from Spotted Richard on a British hospital’s menu after it was decided patients would not be too embarrassed to ask for it.

Updated: September 16, 2002 — 11:37 am