More Dirty Dancing, The Reunion Chapter 16

Chapter 16

A three paragraph newspaper clipping: New York Daily News, August 20, 1972.

The war cry “Save Kellerman’s Mountain Lodge� will be forever silenced as a deal was struck this afternoon at Neil Kellerman’s exclusive East side apartment. A surprise to say the least for Kellerman’s had not been open to the public since the summer of 1967.

The two famous dance stars, Philip Bowman and Johnny Caste agreed to buy the hotel from Kellerman for an undisclosed amount. Kellerman has been having financial troubles as of late.

We wish good luck to the all three participant’s.

Diary, summer, August 1972

Newspapers! No clue as to what really happened, little Frannie. By the way, I have included your age into every entry that I make. You will turn five this September. How it has been fun watching you grow. You have become quite the little dancing star, even if it does happen to be in your own backyard. You mimic me when I practice and I love picking you up when you fall. You are a fast learner, Frannie, like your mother.

On to The Deal.

Neil’s bankruptcy took me by surprise. I never expected that he of all people should lose all of his money that quickly. Well, let’s just see what he had done with his life, my little angel.

He had married a young dancer who had been appearing nightly at Kellerman’s for the summer. Her name was Sharon and she was only interested in Neil’s money.

At first, she bought small packages and they gradually became bigger and bigger. She found herself pregnant two months later and bought everything and anything she could think of.

She had twins, one boy and one girl. Sharon bought them the world and then some, bleeding Neil dry. When she had taken everything she could, she moved out taking the twins with her.

At that time, the hotel had begun falling apart and Neil could not spare the expense. He had tried everything he could think of. Between the collapse of Kellerman’s and Sharon’s demands, Neil filed for bankruptcy.

A few bad business deals hadn’t helped either.

Now here he was unable to pay his bills and still forced to pay alimony, he needed help desperately. And that’s how the two of us entered the picture.

Updated: August 9, 2002 — 4:42 am