Michelle Talks Martial Arts Philosophy with Hero’s Bad Ass Donnie Yen!!!!

Donnie Yen, is one of those stars that people may not know his name, but if you are an martial arts action fan you’ve seen his face. He was the main bad ass in “”Highlander: End Game,”” you’ll recognize him from Crappy Tiger, he was one of the main heavy’s in Blade II, and in his latest flick “”Hero”” he is one of Jet Li’s rivals and opens the film with a blistering fight sequence that will be remembered for awhile. I recently set down with Yen and we talked about his background, Hong Kong film Choreography, his mother – herself a well know Martial Arts teacher and more!

EMI like to start all my interviews off, with my basic, overly broad question

Updated: August 27, 2004 — 8:32 am