Interlude 2 – The Revenge Chapters 16 – 17

Chapter 16

“Monsieur le Baron?� Henry asked as he turned to Auguste de Barbarac. “How do you fare? You have not moved or have spoken to me for a while now. Have you fallen asleep?�

He was frightened for his father in law and for the first time in his life, there was nothing he could do about it. Not with his hands tied in triple knots behind his back. He prayed that one of the spies reached the castle safely and that help would be on the way and soon. Even Francois would be of great help.

There was no answer from Auguste’s end. Henry looked up. Rene and Paul had been outside now for, well, he didn’t know how long. He looked back at Auguste, there was still no movement in his hands or legs. He was sitting with his back against the wall, his head hunched over his body as if he were asleep. He was suddenly frightened for Danielle. What would Rene do to her if she ever showed up here? And if she did, Henry had hoped that his father would have sent out the Guards to accompany her. The last thing in the world that he wanted was for Danielle to be harmed in any way, especially by her former fiancé.

How long have they been out in that hallway? Henry wondered until he heard the grandfather clock strike the half-hour. Eight thirty, he thought to himself, it is probably dark outside by now. If someone were to come, then it would be in the early morning hours of the next day. Perhaps he should nap for a while, maybe make him feel better.

“Papa?� he called out one last time. Henry waited for a while, but there was no answer at all. Finally, he decided that the best thing to do was take that nap. He put his head into his lap and closed his eyes.

“Henry, my son, you must help me. Henry, please…�

Chapter 17

Auguste couldn’t catch his breath. Henry watched as he doubled over in pain, then collapsed on the floor altogether.

“Auguste!� Henry screamed, as his eyes flew open. He was sweating and his back hurt from sitting against the wall, his head lowered in his lap.

He had no idea what time it was as he surveyed the room. He listened for the chimes from the grandfather clock out in the hallway, but heard nothing. It must have stopped ticking hours ago, he decided.

There was no one in the room, no one keeping an eye on him or his father in law. Henry cast a quick glance at Auguste and found him asleep, snoring lightly, but not enough to attract attention.

Henry smiled slightly and turned his attention to the ropes behind his back. Before he fell asleep, he had succeeded in loosening his bonds on his right hand ever so slightly. All he needed to get through was one more knot as he’d have one hand free. He was struggling with it when he felt cold steel against his neck.

“Trying to loosen our bonds, are we?� the voice said, “Well then, this will have to be remedied.�

The ropes were cut from either hand, which made Henry turn around, but felt the cold steel again.

“Do not turn around, Your Highness,� the voice said, as it moved to Auguste. “Keep your eyes turned towards the front.�

“Who are you?� Henry answered, not turning around. “I do not recognize your voice.�
“All truth shall be revealed in due course, milord, for now we must go, while the going is good.�

Henry stood up; the cold steel still pressed into his back. “Come, gather up the old man and fly, before someone should come in and discover the room empty.�

Two hands grabbed Auguste and helped him to his feet. The four companions headed for the exit and made it outside and in their haste, left the front door wide open.

“And where do you think the four of you are off too?�

The two Royal Guardsmen turned around.

Updated: December 28, 2002 — 6:21 am