Interlude 2 – Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Albert had been brought in with his hands and feet bound and shackled. Two Guardsmen on either side were practically carrying him in.

“Sit him down, Maurice,� Laurent ordered as the second Guardsman did as he was told. The first one, Armand, tied him to the chair.

“Excellent!� the King exclaimed smiling. “You must be commended, Laurent, you have performed brilliantly.�

“Now,� he said, turning back toward Albert. “You will tell me the whereabouts of my son and the Baron de Barbarac. “

Albert smiled. “I will tell you nothing, Majesty.�

Francis looked at Laurent. Laurent nodded and turned again toward Albert.

“You will tell us what we need to know, Monsieur le Fleur and you will tell us this instant.�

“And who will…� Albert stopped mid sentence when he saw Armand’s knife at his throat.

“Do not underestimate me, monsieur,� Armand said, digging a little deeper, making sure that the blood did not flow. “I do intend to use it. All I need is one word from the Captain here. Do not make me use it.�

Albert looked the knife next to his throat. He could feel the cold steel from the blade against his skin. He tried to squeeze out his bonds, but it was to no avail.

Albert looked angrily at Laurent, then at the King himself. “I do not know where they are, Majesty, I only know…�

Albert stopped when he saw Alain walk into the room. His eyes widened. “You are dead,� he said shaking his head from side to side. “I know, I killed you myself this morning.�

Alain just smiled, not saying a word.

Jean de Ghent stood up. He had been in the background for so long now. Francios and Gustave stood up with him.

“Yes,� Francis said, “ and if you don’t want to tell me,� Francis said, “we shall have to use those drastic measures that we spoke of earlier. Isn’t that correct, Armand.�

“I am afraid so, Your Majesty,� Armand said, tightening his grip on the knife. “I told you before, monsieur, never underestimate me.�

Albert moved his eyes around quickly. He couldn’t move too much else, not with that knife pressed against his throat.

“He wants to see Princess Danielle, Your Majesty, “ Albert answered, feeling the knife pressing harder against his skin. “He refuses to do anything until my brother sees Danielle’s face. Then and only then will he release the Baron and the Prince.�

Updated: October 14, 2002 — 1:25 pm