Greatest Film Openings Ever?

You know as movie goers, we probably miss the importance of a strong opening segment. You know the first few minutes of a film that sucks you in. I’m one who has very little patience to wait for a film to “build”, etc. I need a film that’s going to suck me into it in the first 10 minutes.

These days filmmakers seem more worried about having a strong conclusion or the ending of their film than having a film that hooks you in the first ten minutes.

To me a strong opening has to really hit you over the head and sort of sum up a story in the first five or 10 minutes, and then of course if a film is really strong, it’ll have a fantastic Theme Song or Score to go with, with this criteria, what would you say are your top 5 or 10 movie openings?

Mine are

1) Superman the Director’s Cut version, with the curtains and the kid going right to Krypton and then that fabulous theme song. That opening just had it all and just sucks you into the wonder of that movie right from the start.

2) V – The Mini Series. Now I’m biased here, I know. But if anyone remember the excellent ad campaign for this film,

3) Any Bond Film Opening, Just watching the opening set piece, followed by the bullets and the trademark Bond Theme and I’m there and hooked immediately.

4) Star Wars
As much as I’m not a fan of Star Wars, you still cannot deny the simplicity of the trademark opening crawl and the awesome music.

5) Raiders

6) Batman – Simply because I remember fondly everytime I watch the opening what a memorable and fun night that Sneak Preview was.

Updated: August 16, 2002 — 1:07 am