“Feel good” shows

[size=medium][color=9966FF][font=Helvetica]Shows like Gilmore Girls and 7th Heaven get to me. Maybe it’s because I’m a Mom with two young children, but I feel like I’m the only one that ever watches them.[/font][/color][/size][size=medium][color=9966FF][font=Helvetica]I don’t get to see Gilmore Girls as often anymore, because it’s opposite my all-time favorite, Buffy, but when I can record it (ie, when the boys aren’t using the other TV) I still love it. Are there any other “feel good” shows out there that I’m missing? And PLEASE don’t say Dawson’s Creek, that show makes my teeth hurt.[/font][/color][/size]

Updated: January 6, 2003 — 5:25 pm