Last week Activision announced the availability of new downloadable tracks that will be available the week Guitar Hero: World Tour launches (this weekend, Sat. 25, 2008) and now in partnership with the evil Gamestop they are going to have a host of midnight launch parties this Saturday night. There will be air guitar challenges, rock star impersonation games and more. In addition to widespread midnight madness launches, GameStop will host three marquee events at retail locations located in New York City (33RD Street & Broadway), Dallas (Park & Preston) and Los Angeles (Universal CityWalk). Event goers will get a chance to showcase their Guitar Hero prowess with a Guitar Hero shred-off, see-and-be-seen with celebrity VIP guests and more. Attendees at marquee events will also have the opportunity to experience Guitar Hero World Tour before it goes on sale at midnight. Which store will Brett Ratner be at pitching his lame Guitar Hero movie idea?