TBS has greenlit an animated series from Louis C.K. and Albert Brooks. Tentatively called The cops, the series follows two Los Angeles patrolmen who are ‘trying their best to protect and serve, sometimes failing at both.’ Brooks and C.K. will voice the two cops. Further details follow the break.
Tag: Albert Brooks
Finding Nemo 3D: Classic Movie Really Doesn’t Need Partially Effective 3D To Be Great!
Finding Nemo is on the top five Pixar movies, which means it is already a bona fide classic in 2D. With this weekend’s re-release in 3D, it doesn’t really get all that much better because the 3D is only intermittently effective – though when it is, it’s really, really effective.
Drive: Art Film with Crime, or Arty Crime Film?
Nicolas Winding Refn’s Drive is a strange beast. The ads make it look like an action/crime thriller, but it’s more a suspenseful noir-ish art film with occasional ultra-violent outbursts. Between Refn’s direction and Ryan Gosling’s performance in the lead, it is one of the oddest good films of the year.