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I just saw this on dvd. The commentary is a good one, some jokes here and there. Lots of interesting information (the split screen scenes of Patric questioning people on the street was improvised. Patric went out there and questioned real people, not actors, as to the whereabouts of a certain (fictional) thug. What was […]

Buffy final show

1. despite my frustrations with this season, i thought the finale was terrific. Left enough loose ends to keep things interesting, gave the strong impression that every thread has a future. And joss was in fine form! the eps that he wrote and directed clearly stand out from the rest of the seven years of […]

NINE QUEENS Spoilers Included!

[color=CCCCFF] -I loved the “happy 1st anniversary” line. That just brought a huge smile to my face. – I kept going back and forth between who was conning whom. I kept thinking about the fact that the “novice” had a kind face, which is what the “pro” had pointed out. So it had to be […]

“Wrong Turn”

“Wrong Turn” is a well-made gruesome horror film. Lots of violence, mayhem, and murder (with no nudity). It involves you from start to finish – there will be no napping. There is nothing new but if you enjoy this genre, you will not be disappointed. [Stay for the credits…] GRADE = “B+”