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“Camp” takes place at a summer camp for teenagers who are interested in being entertainers. Unfortunately, this effort is mostly a series of cliches and not-to-be-believed scenes. As far as the comparison to other movies, it is a low-rent “Fame’ wannabe. It is, however, a good showcase for some talented newcomers. GRADE = “C+”

Bob Hopes dies at 100!

I thought that this man was gonna last forever!! He did live a good long life. I didn’t known that he was born in London to British parents til recently. My mother remember him entertaining the troops in the Vietnam War. Her oldest brother was in paratrooper in that war. She and her siblings grow […]

Liza Calls It Quits from lastest husband

by BeatBoxBetty Well, it’s now official. While their lavish wedding was only 16 months ago, Liza Minnelli has called it quits with hubby David Gest. While rumors were circulating months ago that the 57-year-old singer and 49-year-old “promoter” were on their way out, Liza’s publicist has told reporters: “I can confirm that they’re separated, but […]

Ken Park?

I just heard about this one, and only cos it was in the local newspaper. Anyone know about it, and if so, would you see it? [b]Banned film draws big crowd[/b] More than 200 people last night defied Australia’s censors by turning out for an underground screening of the controversially banned film, Ken Park. A […]

John Eddie

Anyone ever hear of John Eddie? He was popular in the north east as an indie artist back in the 80s, and seems to have recently reinvented himself as a thoughtful singer-songwriter. I ask because his song “play some skynrd” made me laugh more than the last five film comedies I saw. Anyone hear it […]