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“The Producers”

“The Producers” is a remake of the comic gem by Mel Brooks with more music and dancing added. The plot has been altered as well. All of these changes have not improved the original but instead make you appreciate the original even more. This stage-y production with a variety of performances ranging from good to […]

“Rumor Has It”

“Rumor Has It” is a light-weight romantic-comedy about an unmarried young woman who travels from NYC to Calif. to attend her younger sister’s (only sibling’s) wedding. At this point she is considering getting married herself. This is a Jennifer Aniston film so if you don’t particularly like her – you may want to pass (unless […]


“Hoodwinked” is a musical detective/mystery takeoff on ‘Little Red Riding Hood”. Unfortunately, all of the effort put into this film results in a disappointing mis-fire. There are a few chuckles and most of the humor is directed at the adults. Probably not worth your time (or money). GRADE = “C”


“Casanova” is a costume romp with magnificent sets and good acting. Heath Ledger, in the title role, gives a performance that is a sharp contrast to the one in “Brokeback Mountain”. He’s certainly come a long way since “A Knight’s Tale”… GRADE = “A-“

Anniston in Rumor

So I just saw a trailer for the upcoming Rob Reiner film RUMOR HAS IT. And it got me to thinking. Have any of the “Friends” had a decent film ? THis one actually looks like it might be good. Could Jennifer Anniston be the first post-Friends success story on the big screen ?