This week on GeekScholars Movie News, presented by Eclipse Magazine, the crew debuts a new segment called the Casting Competition Challenge where the GeekScholars must attempt to recast classic films in the modern era. On this episode, listen to our picks for who we think should play Brody, Hooper, and Quint if a remake of Jaws were to happen today! Do you agree? Disagree?
And since it’s a brand new month, the GeekScholars take a look at all of the upcoming releases for April, highlighting which ones they are super excited about, and which ones they’ll be collectively skipping.
We then wrap things up with a look at the new trailer for The Rise of the Guardians as well a review of Mirror, Mirror (which wasn’t horrible as expected!)
Listen to the podcast in all its glory here:
We would love to hear from you, so please submit comments or questions to us by writing to: ma**@ge**********.com. Mail is awesome!
Thanks, as always, to the 440 Alliance for allowing us to use their music!
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