Chronicle Entertains Michelle!


Chronicle takes all the standard Super Hero movie cliches, dresses it up with an interesting “documentary” style approach that makes the movie seem fresher than it actually ends up being.  The movie isn’t so much about the “birth” of a new “Super-Hero” it’s the birth of a new villain which was an interesting take on the material.

New Director Josh Trank does a great job of hiding the film’s limited resource by giving the material a real world feel.  In this day and age where everyone – especially teenagers want to film their every waking moment or thought in the hopes of one day becoming famous, the idea that a social misfit like Andrew Detmer (Dane DeHaan) would take to videotaping himself is not all that far fetched. Once you buy into that then its easier to accept everything else that goes on.

The lack of Hollywood “Gloss” makes this movie seem more “intimate.”  There really is feeling that we’re on this journey of discovery with Andrew.  When his father (Michael Kelly) is hitting him or we see him with his sick mother (Bo Petersen) you just know there is something not right with this kid.  So when he, his cousin Matt (Alex Russell) and the most popular kid in school Steven (Michael B. Jordan) get thrown together due to a mysterious discovery, you know this is not going to end well.

Like any good hero story we watch as these three very different people get thrown together by circumstance, and become friends as they explore their new found powers.  They share a secret that no one else knows.  The movie, thanks to a strong script by Max Landis and the Director and simple, but affective in telling this story. We get to experience their curiosity as they start to figure out all the things they can do and when they finally take flight it’s an ride that audience is ready to take with them.

As much fun as they are having, poor Andrew is still getting bullied and picked on and you can see the cold fury building as he gets stronger and stronger. Really, who amongst us wouldn’t eventually lash out at our tormentors and kick their ass, if we had the ability to do so?  The problem is, this is a collision course that no one can stop, but his Matt and Steve were oblivious to it all.

I’ve always said that Telekinesis would be the ultimate and coolest Super Power because it’s based purely on the power of your mind and imagination.  And Trank does a great job of showcasing all the various things you can do with it.

The special affects here are not innovative, but they are affecting in how “simplistic” everything looks. It looks like it was edited on a home computer and that’s not to be a knock on the movie, it just fit the tone of everything so perfectly. There’s a fun super hero fight at the end where you could almost feel every punch and impact of the hit.

I’ve always said that Telekinis would be the ultimate and coolest Super Power because it’s based purely on the power of your mind and imagination.  And Trank does a great job of showcasing all the various things you can do with it.

1 Comment

  1. “Chronicle” is a scifi tale about three male highschoolers who enter an opening in the ground and then have supernatural powers.  Entertaining, insightful, and violent.  Be ready for lots of videotaping.
    GRADE = “B”

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