TELEVISION: Supernatural Season 4 – Review of Lazarus Rising

Sam & Dean Winchester Rise to the Challenge of a New Season of Supernatural

Sam & Dean Winchester Rise to the Challenge of a New Season of Supernatural

I don’t have any problem stating that last year’s 3rd season premiere episode of Supernatural, The Magnificent 7, hands down tops my list of what I consider the three worst episodes of Supernatural ever filmed (number two being Ghost facers and number three being Tall Tales).

The Magnificent 7 stands out as what I consider to be the worst episode of Supernatural for many reasons, but the major one being the way in which the character of Dean Winchester was presented. I understand what the writers, producers and director were trying for with the character I really do. But for me it missed the mark totally and completely and had it not been for the sheer strength of Jensen Ackles as an actor of considerable talent, the character of Dean Winchester would have been totally unsalvageable from the muddled mess this had suddenly turned him into. As for the episode itself over all, for me it would have been a complete disaster if not for the presence of Jim Beaver and if Jared Padalecki had not carried it the majority of it so well on his considerably broad shoulders.