Archer: Vice–George Takei Guest Stars in A Debt of Honor!

ARCHER: Episode 3, Season 5 "Archer Vice: A Debt of Honor" (airing Monday, January 27, 10:00 pm e/p). Pam makes a deal that puts everyone in danger. Archer dons his slightly darker black suit to save the day. Written by Adam Reed. Pictured: Mr. Moto (voice of George Takei). FX Network

Mark next Monday, January 27th on your calendar, Archer fans. George Takei guest stars as Mr. Moto (pictured) in A Debt of Honor – an episode in which, ‘Pam makes a deal that puts everyone in danger and Archer dons his slightly darker black suit to save the day.’ Full disclosure: I have seen the episode and it is best of the season, so far.