I wrote a post yesterday about the iPad Preorder and how I was on the fence about it. I went ahead and purchased the 64 Gig Wi-Fi version. I wish I could have purchased it from Amazon.com, the Apple store charged me $44 in Taxes. The reason I purchased it is, at the end of the day I am a tech blogger so I do like to have everything and I think I will end up using it a lot once I get used to it. I’m going to put the iPhone Kindle App on this thing and use it as a new Kindle. Other than that I’ll find some Comic Book reading software and transfer some of my comic book scans over. It’s the perfect device for Digital Comics.
I purchased the 64 Gig WiFi version because more than likely I wouldn’t whip out this big and bulky device while I’m out and about. I wouldn’t use it while standing in line at a grocery store or for a quick email check while walking to my car. I’ll use the iPad at home, when I travel, and in a theater while I wait for a movie to start. If I desperately need to get onto the Internet, I have my crappy, unreliable iPhone for that. I’m not paying twice for the same maddening, inconsistent AT&T 3G service. Look for my review when it hits the streets.