Jamie Kennedy Kicks it with EM’s Dean Rogers!

Jamie Kennedy Interview with EclipseMagazine.comWe know him from the Scream movies and his hit WB TV Show; The Jamie Kennedy Experiment. But did you know that he’s a break dancing fiend? JK brings the 80s back in the new comedy, “Kicking it Old Skool.” Your favorite EM Editor, Michelle Alexandria told me she still gets a laugh out of Malibu’s Most Wanted. Jamie sat down with EM’s Dean Rogers and the interview went a little something like this. 


We are here with Jamie Kennedy, How are you today.


Good man, how are you?


Doing wonderful! So tell me about your film what role do you play.


I play Jamie Schumacher a break dancer who is a good break dancer in 1986 and then he hits his head and goes into a coma by doing a head spin and then he comes out in 2006. So all of a sudden, he’s still like a guy in mid 30’s still trying to break dances who is stuck in the 80’s.


WOW, that’s amazing but tragic at the same time since he fell into a coma20 year.


20 year coma, yes.

Jamie Kennedy Interview with EclipseMagazine.com


Sounds like the Rip Van Winkle of the millennium.


Rip Van Winkle, that’s good. I would say that but a lot of people know who he is because they don’t read Rip Van Winkle, but you and I know who he is.


So did you ever break dance as a kid before the film?


I tried a little bit but it was a lot of work, too hard. I used to do the worm but did wear parachute pants.


How much training did you get for the breakdancing in the film?


About 8 or 9 weeks we actually did it on the weekends. My whole crew in the movie did it. Our teacher is Shabadoo. He is our choreographer in the movie from Breakin’. It was a legendary movie. So we worked hard at it and we tried to do it. It’s kinda funny because we tried hard and we’re not exactly on there or off. It’s great for people to laugh at.


Are there any 80’s icons in this film?


Yes, Manny Lewis. Emmanuel Lewis, Erik Estrada, David Hasselhoff, Roddy Rowdy Piper, and possibility Tootie.


What projects are you working on now?


Well, I have a few things in the works but I don’t want to talk about it because I want everyone to see “Kickin’ It Old School”, April 27th. If You like break dancin’, if you like comedy!

Kicking it Old Skool opens wide, Friday, April 27, 2007

EM Feature Interview
By Dean Rogers
Originally Posted 04/26/07

Updated: August 26, 2007 — 4:11 pm