Michelle and Marlon Wayans Talk Ladykillers, Life, and how to be Humble!!!!

Everyone should know the story of the Wayans’ brothers amazing success in Hollywood. From their hit television show “”In Living Color”” that was responsible for launching the careers of Jim Carrey, J’Lo, Tommy Davidson, and others, to their successful Scary Movie Trilogy, which spoofed the current wave of Horror films, everyone should know the story of America’s first family of comedy, the “”Wayans Brothers.””

“”The Ladykillers”” is a remake of the 1955 classic film of the same name, and stars Tom Hanks in his first comedy in ten years, and if that’s not enough to entise you, how about the fact that this film is also directed by the always “”quirky”” Coen brothers? Marlon was so much fun to talk with, that we really just shot the shit for awhile before I realized I had to get this “”interview”” started. So forgive me for the rough start, the sit down went a little something like this. EMWe were discussing (joking around really) about some things and people, and Marlon, being Marlon started ragging on a particular person (who I can’t mention)MW[laughing]We rag on everybody, that is the Wayan’s Brothers purpose in life, we are equal opportunity raggers. I rag on my momma. EM How did you end up at Howard when your family is all in LA?MWI wanted to have my own experience, and grow up away from my brothers and family for awhile.EMDo you find it constricting and difficult being part of such a well know and popular family?MWNo, I never find anything in my life as something bad. I think of everything as a blessing. It’s all good, and I’m glad to be born into it. Instead of saying, “”I want to be out”” I want to be a Wayans. The name is synonymous with comedy and being successful. I want the pressure, and want to be able to prove myself. The name provides opportunity, and you should never burn opportunity. I didn’t try exploit the opportunity until I felt like I was really prepared for it. My brother’s wouldn’t give me opportunities until I proved myself, and forced my way in. I did it by writing, and creating my own television show. Keenan and Damon didn’t produce it or have anything to do with it. We ran it for five years and learned from our mistakes and successes on it. We had to write 27 drafts of “”Don’t Be A Menace”” to make sure that movie before it got done. We wrote 12 drafts of “”Scary Movie”” before Keenan jumped on board and offered to direct it.EMHow did you create your character in “”Ladykillers?”” It’s like a mix of a lot of characters you’ve played before.MWHe’s kind of his own person. I kind of based him on my old assistant. I had an assistant who was kind of arrogant in his ignorance. He would do wrong and blame “”the man.”” It was always someone else and never him. This guy [the character] was the real point of all the crazy people in the movie and the audience. He’s the guy who would say “”what is wrong with you?”” He was the pin that popped the button.EMHow did you get the script?MWThe script came to me through my agent. He told me that I would have to audition for it, and I said “”ain’t that a bitch?”” So I went down to the casting office and auditioned like everyone else, and a bunch of people were there, Ludicrous, Gary Coleman, etc. EMAre you serious? [Editor’s note – I still don’t know if he was serious about those two being there.] MW[laughing] Yeah, I’m serious. It was like the casting agent said, “”You black? Then come on in. What’s your name?”” I just went in there with a take on the character, and they liked what I did and I had to do it for them twice before I got the part.EMSo at this stage in the game, you still have to audition for parts?[pagebreak]MWIf you really want the role and they don’t see what you can give them. In this business you have to put Ego aside. I don’t mind going in and showing them my goods. If they like what I’m doing than cool, if not then you move onto something else. Ego is the devil you have to learn to walk this world humble. Humble people are the great ones in this world, anyone who has done great things has been humble; Martin Luther King was humble, Jesus was humble, Ghandi was humble

Updated: March 26, 2004 — 5:34 am