The Truth about Everything Chapter 23

Chapter 23

“He’s going to be just fine,� the court physician told Francis. “Your grandfather is strong man, but another one of those and it will kill him.�

Francis looked at him. “I realize that,� he answered, nodding his head.

“Which is why,� the doctor continued, “I am recommending that your grandfather step down and give you the throne.�

Francis kept on staring at him. “What? I strongly object to this. It’s much too soon. I don’t think he will agree to this, monsieur, and I can tell you right now that he will…�

The physician stopped Francis from speaking by putting his hand to his mouth; then he shook his head. “I do not care what he agrees to, Your Highness, if he stays on the throne, your grandfather will surely not last another year. He need rest, Francis. Your grandfather does not need the pressures and policies of the royal court. You are younger and stronger and can endure the politics and intrigues of the kingship. But beware, Your Highness, you will share the same fate as your grandfather if you do not care for yourself. You already have a weak heart. You know this.�

Indeed I do, Francis thought, you have been reminding me my whole life.

“Well then, I know what I must do. Thank you, doctor, we shall be speaking with you again.�

“You will see me sooner than later, Francis, remember that. I shall be by early tomorrow morning and if I don’t get an answer by then, I will take control.�

And with that he stormed out of his grandfather’s sleeping quarters.


Nicole was walking in the castle garden with Marie.

“So this is your home now,� Nicole said, looking at her.

“Yes,� Marie answered, “I am afraid that it is.�

“Are you ready for all this, Marie?� Nicole asked. “Being Queen is a big responsibility, is it not?�

“Of course it is, Nicole, but this was bound to happen sooner or later. We just made it sooner, that’s all.�

Marie looked at her. “And what about you and Auguste?�

Nicole caught her eye. “He’s left town, you know, Marie. He had some urgent business to attend to. Do you know that he is my betrothed?�

Marie stopped and stared. “No, I had no idea, Nicole.�

Nicole smiled. “I don’t think he knows either, Marie. I would love to see his face when he finds out.�

“Do you intend to go through with the arrangement?�

“I will have to see, Marie,� she answered. “I will have to see.�

Updated: August 18, 2002 — 7:00 am