Junebug Director Phil Morrison Talks TO EM’s Michelle Alexandria!!

Director Phil Morrison is riding high, technically Junebug isn’t his first feature, but this quirky little movie about a successful business man returning home due to his art dealer wife’s interest in a local artist is already generating a lot of Buzz. EW has selected this film as one of the 10 films to look out for in the post summer blockbuster lull.

Phil Morrison says the film isn’t 100 percent autobiographical, but the North Carolina native did say that a lot of the issues he addresses in the film were taken from his own life. It’s one of the reasons why he wanted to set the film in his hometown. This quiet, contemplative film is about is strangely hypnotic. Junebug opens in the DC Area, Friday, August 26, 2005.
I recently had an exclusive sitdown with the Director, and we have a nice conversation about the film, the perceptions of the south, whether you should live first, before you make your first major film and more. It’s a very interesting and introspective interview. [url=http://eclipsemagazine.com/podcasts/phillmorrison2.mp3]CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO AN UNCUT, UNEDITED INTERVIEW WITH JUNBUG DIRECTOR PHIL MORRISON[/url]

Updated: August 9, 2005 — 10:18 pm