ANNOUNCEMENT: Sarah Palin is Toast and The Media isn’t around to Gloat!


I know we don’t cover Politics on EM, I’m a flaming liberal looking for a party to believe in, I despise the Republican party and don’t like the Democratic Party either. But I just had to sing, “Oh, Happy Day…” or maybe “Ding dong, the witch is dead…” Sarah Palin shocks everyone today by resigning her Governorship. She gave one of her classic, jumbled, rambling speeches justifying her reasons using some dumb sports analogy. Can we please ban Politicos (reporters, pundits, all of them) from using stupid sports metaphors to “explain” stuff to us?  But here’s where she’s brilliant and gets to stick it to the pundits one last time. She makes the announcement on a major Holiday like today when all the pundits are on their vacations. So we don’t have to here an idiot like Chris Matthews trying to turn this into some dumb boxing analogy, “Is she knocked out of the arena?” Blah, blah.  But she’s politically dead, there’s no amount of spin that could justify her quitting when she built this image as being a tough as nails “fighter.” Someone as egotistical as her doesn’t simply quit, there’s another shoe waiting to be dropped.