MOVIE TRAILERS: The Traitor, Fresh Clips…

When straight arrow FBI agent Roy Clayton (Guy Pearce) heads up the investigation into a dangerous international conspiracy, all clues seem to lead back to former U.S. Special Operations officer, Samir Horn (Don Cheadle).  Obsessed with discovering the truth, Clayton tracks Horn across the globe as the elusive ex-soldier burrows deeper and deeper into a world of shadows and intrigue. Traitor, a taut international thriller set against a jigsaw puzzle of covert counter-espionage operations hits theaters this Summer, August 27, 2008.  For more information visit:  I think Cheadle is one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood, if I wasn’t going to London this weekend, this would be the movie I see.





1 Comment

  1. “Traitor” is an updated variation on the story of the ‘counterspy’ who is known only to one person in the not-so-safe and not-so-cooperative bureaucracy. Gets ponderous along the way but you get to see a variety of locales, violence, and explosions. Don Cheadle fights an uphill battle with the script. Should have been better.

    GRADE = “C+”

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