The Truth about Everything Chapters 28 – 29

Chapter 28

Auguste stood there looking at Nicole, reluctant at first to answer. There was something about Edmond looking over his shoulder that made Auguste just a little nervous.

“Well,� Edmond said, watching the two of them. “I can see that you two need some time alone. As it happens, I have just been told that I have been invited to join the Prince and Princess for tea and pastries.� He looked around and saw Marie and Francis next to him.

“Auguste,� Francis called to his old friend, “you know that the two of you are invited anytime that…�

Marie put a hand on Francis’ shoulder. “Come along, the two of you. Can’t you see what is happening here or maybe you are too blind to notice.�

“Do you really think…� Francis began, but Edmond interrupted.

“Yes, Your Highness,� he said. “Auguste has finally found his intended and has fallen in love with her.�

“What?� Marie asked, a little confused.

“You don’t mean…� Francis said looking at Auguste and Nicole. They were still staring at one another. He turned to face Edmond again. “You really mean to tell me that the two of them…�

“Yes, since they were infants.� Edmond said. He faced the future King and Queen of France. “My brother and Nicole’s father made the arrangement. Seems that the two families have been doing this since the since the early 1400’s. They wanted to keep up the tradition.�

“The two of them never knew it,� Marie said. “Nicole never said a word to me.�

“For she did not know, milady,� Edmond said, bowing. “Now if you would be so kind to permit me to change the subject by asking how is the King of France. I have heard that he has been ill of late.�

As they walked toward the castle, Edmond put his arm around the Prince as if they were old friends. Somehow, Francis didn’t mind a bit.


“Well,� Nicole demanded, “I am waiting.�

Auguste smiled and reached out to touch her face. “I never realized how beautiful you were, Nicole, not until this moment.� He caressed her cheek. “I missed you, more than I had intended.�

“And I missed you,� she said, softening a bit. “I didn’t realize how much until this morning when I saw you ride by from the North Tower.�

“You saw me?� Auguste asked. “Are you sure?�

Chapter 29

“I know that it was you, Auguste,� Nicole said, “I recognized your uniform. There is only one Captain of the Guard.�

Auguste smiled. “I had forgotten all about that,� he said a little shyly. He blushed a little and it took Nicole all she had not to giggle.

“It was also that face that gave it away,� Nicole said. “You are the handsomest man in the entire company.�

“Nicole, listen,� he began, “I found out something that might interest you. Do you think that we might take a walk around the garden? I need to explain something. It has something to do with our future.�

Nicole’s eyes lit up. “Our future? Pray, whatever do you mean by that?� She smiled. “Besides, I have something that I must explain to you as well. “

Auguste smile widened from ear to ear. He never felt this happy in his entire life. “Come,� he said, placing his arm on his hips so that Nicole could put her hand through it. “Let’s take that walk then.�

Updated: September 9, 2002 — 12:56 pm