The Truth about Everything – Chapter 30

Chapter 30

“It so beautiful here, isn’t it?� Auguste marveled, looking around at all the lush greenery. “Everytime I walk through this garden, it never fails to fascinate me.�

He looked over at Nicole, grinning.

Nicole did not share his enthusiasm.

“This is not the first time you have been here then?�

Auguste’s eyes narrowed. He had a puzzled look on his face. “Of course not,� he answered. “What makes you think that?� He looked at her and his face brightened. The smile returned.

“I know very well that this is not your first time here.�

Nicole looked up at him. “No,� she said, “you are right, this is not my first time. I have been here many times myself with the King.�

“And you have never met Francis?� Auguste asked.

Nicole shook her head. “No, I haven’t. It’s always been with my parents, usually my father. There would be no reason for King Louis to introduce me to his grandson. Besides, he was already engaged to Marie.�

Nicole looked up at him. “Have you ever met Francis’ father?�

“You mean Charles, the King’s son, the one who should have been King?�

Nicole nodded her head. “I’ve heard stories,� she said, “but I don’t know if they are true.�

“Disappeared off the face of the earth,� Auguste said, shaking his head. “Vanished into thin air. We thought that we heard something of him being in England, but he was gone by the time we sent five Guardsmen there.�

Auguste smiled. “You see, Nicole, he didn’t want the kingship or the Captain’s post, or anything to do with royalty for that matter. One day, after his sixteenth birthday, he got on his horse for his morning ride. He never returned to the castle.�

He looked at her face. “Is this what you have heard?�

Nicole nodded. “You have no idea where he might be?�

“As I told you, Nicole, we have no idea of his whereabouts. All I know is that Francis was next in line and he didn’t want it either. His mother, Louise pushed him into it.�

Nicole frowned. “No one can push you into anything you don’t want to be,�

Auguste tried to hide his smile. “You don’t know Francis’ mother, milady.�

“I guess not,� Nicole smiled. She changed the subject.

“So what is all this about our future?� Nicole asked

Auguste was about to answer when Edmond came running up to meet them. He turned to Nicole.

“Nicole, come quickly, Marie is asking for you.�

Auguste looked up. “Has something happened, uncle?�

Edmond looked at Auguste. “The King has had his second stroke in two days.� Edmond sighed and shook his head. “He is near death, if not dead already, the physician warned him of this.�

Nicole looked at Edmond, then at Auguste. “Go on,� he said, “I will meet you up there as soon as I can.�

Nicole ran as fast as she could. Edmond and Auguste watched her.

“Have you had the chance to explain to her?�

Auguste shook his head. “No, uncle, I have not. I am afraid this might not be a good time.�

“You will have to tell her sometime, Auguste. You have a limited amount of time that you may lay claim to the manor. I have already explained this to you.�

Auguste nodded. “Yes, I know.�

Edmond sighed. “Well, I should not keep you. If I have not told you, Francis would like you to join him in his study. He needs an old friend to talk to.�

Auguste nodded again. “I was afraid this might happen. Yes, uncle, I was just on my way up there.� He started to run, but stopped and turned to face his uncle. “If I have a chance, I will ask her to marry me tonight.�

He turned and headed for the castle. Edmond just looked on until he reached the door, then hurried after him.

Updated: September 8, 2002 — 11:54 pm