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Relentless/Labyrinth fic

Relentless by Hellen Gavarrete


Author:Hellen Gavarrete

Rating: Pg.13

Summary: Sequel in which Jareth cannot forget Sarah nor does he want to. He becomes obsessive and even dangerous.10 years later he cannot hide his relentless obsession for Sarah anymore.

Keywords:Jareth, Sarah,love, romance,revenge.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything that has to do with the Labyrinth nor Sade. Thank you. I am just merely a great fan! Love David Bowie and Sade! They are two ultimate great singers and David Bowie is just a great artist!

Chapter One

It had been ten years since Sarah had run through the Labyrinth. Her frequent visits from her friends became sporatic visits after she graduated high school and went off to college. She had just graduated and she was back at home where her step mother and father had just decided to sell the house and move into a smaller one. Sarah was upset over the decision and asked them if she could rent the house. She decided she would take in a housemate and that way she could certainly pay her parents the rent.

They had decided to move to a warmer climate since Karen was always hurting in the winter time because of her arthritis, Florida had been decided on. Sarah would certainly miss her family but was releaved when they let her stay with the house. Now Sarah had to find a job and a new housemate.

After her family made the last arrangements and everyone cried and said their goodbye’s Sarah went inside to a very lonely and quiet house.

Wiping her tears off she began to arrange the little of furniture they had decided to leave her. The house certainly looked bigger now but she decided that now that it was going to be all hers she would do some new changes to it. Make it a little more ecclectic just like her.

She stood looking around with her hands on her hips wondering to herself the new changes she would make to it. The only thing she would leave is that great Grandfather’s clock that stood overlooking the stairs. She knew deep in her heart that it was a kind of reminder of what she had lived through. She knew she would never give that part up of her life completely though she chose to ignore almost every aspect of it. All the things of the Labyrinth tucked and hidden away even from her eyes. A large box in the dusty attic home to every house spider you can think of. The only time those things had a visit was when she wanted to reminisce. But even those times of her life where rare now. Especially ANY thought of the Goblin King, Jareth. Her encounter with him left her afraid of relationships somehow no one compared to him either.

Even though the Goblin King was cruel to her she remembered the little things that he did. The ballroom dance, the gifts, the lines he threw at her. The only things etched strongly in her mind. All the other boys or so she thought them to be NEVER compared to the way HE wooed her. But little did she know that the Goblin King was never really far away from her. He ALWAYS kept vigil on her and this time was no exception.

Jareth always assumed that Sarah had NO real feelings for him. He didn’t figure that her silence and dreams include him now. He was too blind to see past his fury. His undeniable love for Sarah had now become an obsession to gain his hunted. His wolf like hunger now made Sarah a helpless prey for the wolf found the opportunity to hunt down and engulf his prey.

All was dark and only a small lamp lit the livingroom. Sarah began to move furniture around but soon became tired. After she had helped her family out all day to move out, her body had finally given out. It became cold outside and a lighting storm began to howl.

Sarah locked all the doors and windows for the wind became fierce. She became worried for her parents. She even began to feel a little uncomfortable all alone in her house. She decided that a hot bath would suit her well and then she would hit the hay.

After having locked all the doors and windows downstairs Sarah went upstairs making sure all the windows upstairs were locked too. She was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open but she truly enjoyed a good bubble bath and with her family gone she could even walk around naked if she wanted to. She went into her room and she decided then that she would definately take her parents room for herself now. This smaller room would be for her new housemate. After searching for candles and bubble bath liquid she went and turned on the hot water letting the bubbles begin to form. She lit the vanilla candles all around the bath tub and the smell of vanilla filled the air.

She took off her bathrobe and slit into the hot water letting her body relax. The music of Sade she had placed earlier was playing and melodically soothing her to sleep. Sarah fell into a deep sleep and the wolf became hungry. Hungry to fulfill his ever whim. He appeared next to Sarah the crystal not being enough anymore.

He caresses her face and kisses her with butterfly kisses.

I gave you all the love I got
I gave you more than I could give
I gave you love
I gave you all that I have inside
And you took my love
You took my love
Didn’t I tell you
What I believe
Did somebody say that
A love like that won’t last
Didn’t I give you
All that I’ve got to give baby

I gave you all the love I got
I gave you more than I could give
I gave you love
I gave you all that I have inside
And you took my love
You took my love

I keep crying
I keep trying for you
There’s nothing like you and I baby

This is no ordinary love
No ordinary Love
This is no ordinary love
No ordinary Love

When you came my way
You brightened every day
With your sweet smile

Didn’t I tell you
What I believe
Did somebody say that
A love like that won’t last
Didn’t I give you
All that I’ve got to give baby

This is no ordinary love
No ordinary Love
This is no ordinary love
No ordinary Love

I keep crying
I keep trying for you
There’s nothing like you and I baby

This is no ordinary love
No ordinary Love
This is no ordinary love
No ordinary Love

Keep trying for you
Keep crying for you
Keep flying for you
Keep flying I’m falling

I’m falling

Keep trying for you
Keep crying for you
Keep flying for you
Keep flying for you I’m falling
I’m falling

Jareth looked at Sarah with love and hate at the same time. The love for her that he felt was unnerving wishing he could go back to how things used to be. Love at no cost, sex with no results but carnal desire, future with only play, life with no challenge. Now here lay the destruction of what he once was, he so hated her too. Obsessive thoughts of destruction yet overpowered by thoughts of true love. Which side of him would win, the Jareth with nothing but consideration for his own pleasure or the Jareth that once offered her his slavery.

Sarah moved for a bit sleeping under a spell now. Jareth removed her from the tub taking her to her bed. Eyes hungry to see such a platter in which he wanted to devour. Yet would it be with a consent or would it be with his desire only? These thoughts plagued his mind. He lay here down on her bed staring at all he had already seen before, yet not so close, not so dangerously close like this before. He could not contend himself any longer his hands slid around her body, fingers touching every inch of her skin, every inch except for those intimate parts which with shaky hands he stepped away from.

He moist mouth closed and his eyes became shut. He grabbed a blanket and covered her. Leaving before he could do something he might regret later. Even if she never knew it would have happened his mind and heart would have. Even though his body screamed in protest his heart pounded a thousand miles per hour telling him that she would not be his in such a manner. After all he loved her though the hate was driving him to near stalking!

Updated: September 26, 2002 — 10:30 pm