Interlude 2 – The Revenge Chapters 12 – 13

Chapter 12

Rene heard the grandfather clock on the floor above strike seven. He looked at Rodmilla and then at Paul. “Albert should have returned by now,� he said.

He turned his attention to Henry. “What do you think, Your Highness? Do you think that the Royal Guards could have taken him into custody?�

Henry looked up at him, angrily, but did not utter a sound. Rene smiled.

“What’s wrong, milord, afraid to speak?�

Henry stared at him.

Rene grinned. “Well, if you won’t speak, maybe we should speak to your father-in-law next to you. So, old man, what do you think? Do you think the Guards have taken my cousin into custody?�

Henry looked up at him. “Rene, leave him alone.�

Rene, still smiling slyly, turned back to Henry. “Ah, Your Highness has something to say after all.�
Henry put his head down and shook it. Always fall for it, don’t you?

“Leave him alone, Rene,� Henry repeated, picking his head up. Henry looked straight into his eyes.

“I’ll do as I please, monsieur,� Rene said, looking back at Henry, not even acknowledging that he was the Prince. He turned back to Auguste. “Do you think that your daughter will come, de Barbarac,� he asked, “because you realize as long as they hold Albert, that is just as long as I hold on to the two of you.�

“Rene,� Henry called, “please. Do you not realize what you are doing? The man is…�

Rene stopped smiling. He turned to Henry now. “Do you think that I don’t know about this man’s condition?� he yelled. “You forget yourself, monsieur, I was engaged to the Princess for quite some time. I know Danielle, Adrienne and Auguste since I was a child.�

“And you were a good boy, Rene,� Auguste said, looking into Rene’s eyes. “You were such an obedient quiet child. Now what made you change into this, I wonder?�

Rene seated himself on the floor opposite Auguste. He looked at him for quite a while before he said something.

“That, monsieur, is none of your business,� he said, smiling. He touched his cheek. “And you were always such a gullible old man, weren’t you? I hated you, you know,� he said, standing up again. “Danielle always loved you more than me, do you realize that? In fact, I don’t think she loved me at all. It was always you and this one over here, especially in the last few days when he was calling himself….�

Rene drew a blank. He looked over at Henry now, frowning.

“What were you calling yourself anyway?�

Henry looked up at him, then looked down at the floor, shaking his head.

“Jean Claude du Bois,� he whispered.

“What did you call yourself? I could hardly hear you.�

Henry looked up at him again. “I said, Jean Claude du Bois,� he answered, a bit louder.

“RENE,� a new voice called, “leave them both alone. What are you accomplishing? Everyone in the province knows that the Baron de Barbarac has had a stroke? Do you want a dead body on your hands? Let him go. We still have enough leverage with the Prince.�

Chapter 13

Rodmilla stood and looked at him.

Rene turned to look at her. “Are we taking sides now, Baroness?�

Rodmilla shook her head. “I am just trying to advise you, my love,� she answered. “I only want revenge, not cause a death.�

Rene smiled. “Is that what you want, my dear? Do you think I am going too far?�

Rodmilla nodded her head. “Yes, Rene, this whole thing has bloomed out of proportion. I don’t know if you know what is wrong or right anymore. Please Rene, consider what you are doing.�

Rene looked at her a little puzzled then turned his gaze back to Henry.

“Listen to her, Rene,� Henry agreed, “let the old man go.�

Rene shook his head. “No,� he said, ‘I don’t think I can do that. He turned to Auguste and kicked him in the stomach, making him double up and fall over. He turned back to Henry.

“If you want this to stop, Henry, we must have Danielle and you must get her here. I don’t care how you do it, but you must get word to her, unless you want the same treatment as the old man over there.�

He kicked Auguste again, this time harder.

“How can I get the word out if you have me tied up here,� Henry said, “I can only be at one place at a time.�

Rene looked up now and stared at Paul. “You must go, my friend, � Rene said, “ and you must bring Danielle back with you? Do you understand me?�

Paul smiled and nodded his head. “What about Albert?� he asked.

“Kill him along with the rest of the Guards,� Rene said, with a wave of his hand.
“He is a nasty little spot, always has been, mistake after mistake.� He walked over and clapped Paul on his shoulder. You are my only hope.�

Updated: November 11, 2002 — 2:12 pm