Big Mouth – Gina (voiced by Gina Rodriguez), Nick (voiced by Nick Kroll) – Image courtesy of Netflix.
What better time for the hormone monsters to strike than Sex Ed class (even if you can’t tell if that’s supposed to be a uterus or a zone defense that’s being drawn on the blackboard)…
Netflix’s Big Mouth returns on October 5th.
Fasten Your Zippers, Stock your Sock Drawers…
Big Mouth is Coming Again
Launches on Friday, October 5 on Netflix
Embrace the awkward with this brand new TEASER
Previously Released New Character Images HERE (please download for use, do not post link publicly)
Season two of the critically-acclaimed and widely inappropriate series Big Mouth, returns on October 5th, picking up right where it left off, and 7th grade is even more embarrassing than ever. This season the gang is still grappling with all of the emotional baggage that comes with growing up. As their hormones continue to rage, they are confronted with the awkward reality of self discovery, body image shame, birth control, and countless other humiliating moments.
Season two features returning players Nick Kroll, John Mulaney, Maya Rudolph, Jason Mantzoukas, Jordan Peele, Fred Armisen, Jenny Slate and Jessi Klein. Joining the cast this season are Gina Rodriguez and David Thewlis. Rodriguez voices the character of Gina, who shakes up the social dynamics as the first girl at the middle school who has developed boobs. Thewlis portrays The Shame Wizard, The Hormone Monster’s mortal enemy who haunts the kids by stoking their deepest shame.
Big Mouth is a 10-episode, half-hour edgy adult animated comedy from real-life best friends Nick Kroll and Andrew Goldberg about the glorious nightmare that is teenage puberty. Comedian John Mulaney lends his voice to the character of Andrew, while Kroll (who serves as co-creator, executive producer) voices many including best friend Nick. Maya Rudolph, Jason Mantzoukas, Jordan Peele, Fred Armisen, Jenny Slate and Jessi Klein are among those who lend their voice to the series. Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg and screenwriter-directors Mark Levin & Jennifer Flackett are all creators and executive producers on the series. Big Mouth is a Netflix production.
Big Mouth season 2 feature coverage is embargoed until September 10, with review coverage embargoed until September 26.
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