I’m proud of the fact that I haven’t watched a single second or wasted a single byte of digital data on this show. But I feel compelled to let you know that the folks at America’s Got Talent is going to have a big season finale this Wednesday night. The season finale of NBC’s hit summer series “America’s Got Talent” Wednesday, September 16 (8-10 p.m. ET) will feature special performances from Latin pop star Shakira, British singing sensation Leona Lewis, country music superstars Rascal Flatts, the world-renowned Cirque du Soleil and many more special guests to be announced. Previously announced finale performer, Susan Boyle will debut her new song “Wild Horses.” At the conclusion of the finale, the winning act to take home the million-dollar prize and a headlining show in Las Vegas will be announced. Shakira will perform the world premiere of her mega-hit single, “She Wolf” from her forthcoming album of the same name, Leona Lewis will world premiere her song “Happy,” Rascal Flatts will be singing their latest hit “Summer Nights” and Cirque du Soleil will present a sneak peek performance from their brand new theatrical production “Banana Shpeel.” Ummm…. The name of the show is AMERICA’S Got Talent. Not WORLD or Britain’s Got Talent. Where’s the AMERICAN talent? This is pretty lame. But I do love Cirque and I kind of like Leona Lewis, don’t know anything else about these other people.
First of all, Rascal Flatts is an American group. Some performers for Circe de Soliel are American. If Shakira can come out backing a US president, then she can perform a "US" show (since you seem to think only Americans can perform on this show.) Susan Boyle's handlers know that she cannot be a world sensation without the US audience. And who in the hell knows why Leona Lewis is singing. Besides, these are not contestants. They do not have to be American. Anyway, Britain's Got Talent does not have contestants from just Britain. America is a melting pot, and we are proud of it. We are not snobs with bad teeth.
Yet another case of sloppy, lazy "journalism". No one checks facts anymore. Sad.
ARYA: Leona Lewis is singing Just because she is the most important voice of the moment.
You like it or not!
Oh yeah . . . what awards has she won? Grammy? NO. Oh yes, I forgot. . . she won 2 MTV EUROPE awards in 2008 and MOBO awards in 2008. Yeah I can TOTALLY see that she is the MOST IMPORTANT voice right now. Yes it really shows. She's so important that she has yet to win an award in 2009, and no just being nominated is not enough. The British producers of this show simply needed to put another British singer in, and who else were they going to choose from the vast wealth of popular British singers . . . hmmmmm. . . really I've nothing against Leona Lewis. I couldn't care less about her, but what I do not like is slanted, unresearched journalism being published on the internet as "news." It's irksome!!!
You are completely missing the point of the article. So get a grip. The article is just meant to point out that the name of the show is AMERICA'S GOT TALENT. If that's the case then why are the British Producers of the show showcasing everyone but AMERICAN talent in the Finale? I frankly don't care about the show or any of the people involved so I'm not passing judgment on the merits or popularity of any of the performers. Of course I know Rascal Flats is an American group, again how about learning how to read? I never said they weren't. No, American's aren't snobs with bad teeth, just a bunch of vitriolic morons who want to knee jerk yell at everyone who disagrees with them. As my response to you have just proved.
For the record Cirque Du Soleil is not an American Performance group even though they have American dancers. Again the point of the post is not to say anything negative about the performers or "oh my god they are foreign!" it's to point out the hypocrisy of a show called AMERICA'S GOT TALENT not highlighting AMERICAN talent (not counting Rascal Flatts) on their finale show.